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Canadian Tire Jumpstart (Financial Assistance)

Jumpstart helps kids between the ages of 4 to 18 by assisting with the costs associated with registration, equipment and/or transportation for sports and physical activity programming.

Jumpstart has a unique charity model that involves working with an extensive network of 330 local Jumpstart Chapters in communities across Canada. Chapter members are volunteers and community leaders who are committed to helping get kids active and healthy. These Chapters work collectively with over 3,100 Jumpstart Community Partners across the country such as the local Municipal Parks and Recreation department, the local Boys and Girls Club and the YMCA/YWCA to help them submit applications for Jumpstart funding as well as identify kids from financially disadvantaged families who would benefit from participating in sports and physical activity programming. These Chapters and Community Partners play a key role in making Jumpstart successful and this model helps us ensure that the funds are directed to those who need it most.

Applications for assistance can typically be submitted from January 15 to November 1, (varies by Chapter) with the goal to be equitably distributed over Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter activities. The funding is distributed with a focus on maximizing the cost and length of participation per activity per child. For more information on how to apply please call 1-877-616-6600 and a call centre representative will help you to connect with a representative for your local Jumpstart Chapter who will guide you through the application process. All information received is kept confidential.

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