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Fun things to do this winter....

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Check out the Resource Activity Package that was created by Family Respite Services in Windsor. 


Ideas for Rainy Days
Most Items you will need are available at the Dollar Store

  1. Rubber Bean Bin - Fill with rice, beans, pasta, etc.
  2. Blowing Bubbles
  3. Stickers or Tape - use different kinds of tape, colourful plastic tape, masking tape, double sided tape ect.
  4. Cause and effect games - lights, sounds
  5. Prize bag - The dollar store is your friend (also great for musical instruments)
  6. Finger Paint
  7. PLAY-DOH -Have the kids help
    Recipe:  1 cup flour
                    1/2 cup salt
                    1 cup water
                    2 teaspoons cream of tartar
                    1 teaspoon vegetable oil
                     food colouring (optional)
    Mix together all ingredients and cook for three minutes over low heat.  Stir well.  Add food colouring.  Store in a plastic container.  Kids love it and it's easy to clean up.
  8. Interactive music CD's, i.e. if you're happy and you know it
  9. Musical toys, instruments (make your own using plastic tubs, sticks, rubber bands, etc.)
  10. Shaving cream
  11. Lego and blocks (be sure to match size with age and be aware of choking hazard)
  12. Fidget toy kit - Koosh Ball™, texture balls, rings, rubik's cube, etc.
  13. Toy chest filled with favorite toys - Encourage making a choice
  14. Water Play - Water balloons, sponges, small buckets, etc. Use dish soap. (This sensory activity is a hit!)
  15. Pin Wheels - (relaxation)
  16. Big Excercise Ball
  17. Bean Bags - toss, catch, balance on body parts, throw in a ring, juggle.
  18. Sensory / Quiet area - comfy chair/pillow, blanket, lights, sounds, scent's
  19. Interactive games - connect four, bingo, candy land, snakes and ladders
  20. Puzzles
  21. Books and games related to interests (trains,nature,animals)
  22. Videos (Children's favourites)
  23. Computer games
  24. Trampoline

 Follow this link to a website FULL of crafts and activity ideas! 




  • Swimming
  • Skating
  • The Beach
  • Dancing
  • Sports (volleyball, football, golf, tennis, basketball, soccer)
  • Bowling
  • Walking / hiking
  • Walking a Pet
  • Gardening
  • Local Parks
  • Games
  • Laser Tag
  • Taking Pictures
  • Spa day, hair cut, manicure/pedicure...
  • Bookstore
  • Table Tennis
  • Sledding
  • Scooter
  • Painting
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Puppet Show
  • Visit Firehall
  • Ballet
  • Movie / Live Theatre
  • Ceramics
  • Yoga
  • Excercise / Workout
  • Frisbee
  • YMCA
  • Picnic
  • Flying kites

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Moving to Inclusion
Great Adapted Equipment Ideas for Physical Education
www.ala.ca email: info@ala.ca Toll-free: 1-800-771-0663

Making equipment adaptations for children with a disability will:

  • Increase successes
  • Increase participation
  • Increase independence
  • Improve programs for all students

Lighter balls...beach or sponge
Larger balls...monster balls
Balls with tails...fox tails, balls with ribbons attached
Suspend the balls..beach, sponge or cosom® balls
Tether the balls...to a walker or a chair
Use brightly coloured balls
Under-inflate the balls
Use scarves, bean bags, or koosh balls™ as alternatives

Use larger targets or goals
Move targets closer
Raise or lower the target
Use targets with an auditory cue

Racquets and Bats...
Shorten the handle
Use plastic bats
Use larger faced racquet's
Place Velcro on the end of the racquet head and the bird
Attach the racquet handle to the wrist

Decrease the court size
Use more than one ball or puck
Use fewer players on a team
Shorten the length of games

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Tips from families

Judge not, lest be judged!
Remember, you are not there to comment on how a family lives their private life or manages their household.  Respect confidentiality.

Walk a mile in my shoes!
The stress, fatigue and coping is different for every parent.  You are only there for a brief few hours per week, so consider the parent's needs for flexibility, reliability and understanding.

If he/she were my kid!
Your role is not to judge how the child is being raised, but to do your best for the child when he/she is in your care.  (However, you have a legal obligation to report suspected abuse to the Children's Aid Society.)

Keep your distance!
Unloading your personal problems onto parents may make you feel better, but does nothing for them.  Likewise, avoid becoming entangled in family matters and remember what your roles and boundaries are.

Who's in charge here?
You're contracted to provide services for a family.  Please do not expect parents to suffer through your scheduling and work overload problems.  Better to have fewer families and a reasonable work schedule, then to make demands on families to meet your needs when they may prefer other times or days.

I'm outta here!
If you wish to quit working for a family, adequate notice of a week or two is only fair.  Remember families may still require a worker to fill your shifts when you take vacation and other times you don't work.  Be professional!

My lips are sealed!
Keep confidential all you may know about the families you work for.  Respect their right to privacy.  This means you do not discuss the individuals, families, or any of their personal affairs with room-mates, co-workers,  or other families you work with.  Do not use their names in idle conversations.

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♦"Paint" a snowman using Windex bottles filled with water colored with food coloring.
♦Build a skating rink
•Build an igloo
♦Build snow furniture
•Catch a snowflake with your tongue
♦Cross country ski
•Curling (don't knock it till you try it)
♦Dog sledding
•Go for a sleigh ride
♦Go Ice camping
•Go tobogganing
♦Have a barbecue in the middle of a snowstorm
•Have a fire and roast marshmallows
♦Have a winter hoedown
•Hold a tops Olympics(you know like those spinning top things) but do it on ice 

More Fun Things to Do Outdoor Winter Actvities

♦Lie on your back in a snowy field
•Make a snow fort
♦Make a snowman
•Make snow angels
♦Snow animals or statues
•Snow biking
♦Snow cave
•Snow skiing
♦Snow tubing
♦Take your pooch to the park or open field after a fresh snowfall. Proceed to make people and doggie snow angels.
•Watch the snow fall
♦Winter luge
•Yodel, especially on the chair lift

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